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    Sign Confidentiality Agreement

    Submit application

    Cover the annual membership fee in a single payment

    Academy Logo png 600 x 600 px

    Photographs of the academy (3)

They are given:

    Appointment of the Academy as an active member of the AMDAA.

    Diploma as an active member of the AMDAA.

    Association canvas for AMDAA Member Academy.

    Registration card

In the event that the Academy is affiliated without instructors or students, it must cover the cost of the annual fee at 100%.

In the event that you affiliate your instructors and students, the cost of the annual fee for Academies will be the minimum.

Ask your State Delegation about this affiliation procedure for Academies.



    Sign Confidentiality Agreement

    Submit application

    Pay the annual membership fee in a single payment

    Digital photograph for official credential

They are given:

    Appointment of the Instructor as an active member of the AMDAA.

    Credential as an active member of the AMDAA.

    Registration card.

In the event that the Instructor joins without students, he or she must cover the cost of the annual fee at 100%.

In the event that you enroll your students, the cost of the annual fee for Instructors will be the minimum.

Ask your State Delegation about this affiliation procedure for Instructors

In the event that the instructor enrolls in the training courses, their affiliation is automatic.



  • Submit application

  • Pay the annual membership fee in a single payment

  • Digital photograph for official credential

They are given:

  • Credential as an active member of the AMDAA.

  • Registration card.

  • AMDAA crest for uniform.

In the event that the student takes a degree exam without being affiliated with the AMDAA, he or she will pay only the minimum membership fee.

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